Why You Should Be Marketing To The Jewish Community
It is not uncommon for a potential client to be interested in marketing their product or service to the Jewish community simply out of a curiosity for exploring this market. As the discussion progresses they often ask “Why The Jewish Community?”
That is, why should a business owner, organization, etc. market to the Jewish community. The answer can be summed up pretty succinctly, but first a precursor. There are certain instances where we do not advise targeting specific Jewish demographics. The reasons for this range across the spectrum. Most common is where a specific brand or service is not relevant to a certain community or many communities for that matter. On the other hand, certain products or services are practically gold mines waiting to be uncovered after properly marketing them to the various different Jewish communities. These products/services check the boxes of all sectors and sometimes the success they experience can be quite surprising to the outside eye. At the same time, to someone familiar with the communities and what works such surprises are absent.
Being that the human brain processes images many times faster than we do text, we decided to incorporate some of the reasons why it pays to market to the Jewish community by way of the infographic on the right hand side of this page.
In short –
– Many Jewish communities have higher than average wealth demographics. This translates into more disposable income you can market to.
– Targeted advertising platforms catering to various communities allows for laser focused marketing campaigns. This translates into a better return on your marketing investment.
– Word of mouth is present and powerful in some of the more tight knit communities. Once your brand gains traction, your initial marketing can be amplified many times over.