As more businesses see strong returns from their marketing efforts focused on the Jewish audience, we are seeing a progressive increase in interest for marketing to this comparatively small yet very valuable demographic. This value in the Jewish market stems in large part because of the relatively higher than average buying power. This is not the only reason though. Another common driver for organizations of all sizes and types to market to the broader Jewish community is based on the unique aspects of the audience. Scenarios range greatly in terms of the motivation for trying to reach the Jewish audience and depends on what the product or service on offer is. Some of the rationales we come across are more mundane but there are many that are more novel as well.
Opportunities Abound But Challenges Present
While there is significant opportunity waiting to be capitalized upon for properly executed Jewish focused marketing campaigns, there are at the same time a multitude of challenges present. These challenges relate in large part to the nuance and understanding required for effectively and efficiently reaching a complex audience such as the Jewish one. Besides for the many obvious ways that the broader Jewish community deviates from the general market or for that matter other specialty markets, for example, the Hispanic one, there is another core uncommon differentiator. The Jewish community contrasts itself from other ethnic groups as it contains many cross sections of different almost separate audiences within itself. These varying cross-sections are sub-audiences made up of differing affinities and data markers that are vital to take into account when composing a Jewish centric marketing campaign. These less apparent differences relating to customs and religious intricacies are why segmentation can be confusing and overwhelming for someone who is not familiar with the subtlety of these communities and is one of the most common challenges we encounter among clients.
Identifying Your Offering’s Optimal Jewish Audience
When it comes to deciding on the which Jewish audience will be most optimal for your offering, an accounting of the nature of your product or service and how it may appeal to the different Jewish audience choices should be undertaken. At the most simplistic level, this comes down to understanding how your offering and related unique selling points relate to different audience groupings. For some offering scenarios, this analysis is quite straightforward and perhaps even obvious while for others it is a more strategic and less simple effort. With that said, the better one understands how to segment the Jewish audience into accurate cross sections, the more strategic and successful optimal audience selection will be.
Platform Selection From A Plethora Of Options
After selecting the optimal Jewish audience for your offering, the best ways to reach that audience must be identified. Like audience selection, this too can be confusing, as frequently each Jewish community has its own plethora of platforms that cater to different cross-sections of the broader community as a whole. These platforms range across the spectrum from traditional print publications to online and social media such as influencer marketing. From premium magazines and weekly classifieds to specialty websites that are geared towards very defined audiences, the options and opportunities can be befuddling and even frustrating to choose from. Selecting the wrong platform mix will likely produce disappointing results while making the right decision will contribute substantially to a positive return. It, therefore, becomes of great importance to identify where and how your target Jewish audience is most effectively and easily reached.
When analyzing platforms, it is also vital to evaluate the potential value present on general platforms such as Facebook and Google Ads in contrast to native platforms that specifically target a Jewish audience. Both of these kinds of platforms have their place in Jewish focused marketing campaigns but understanding where and how to use each to their full potential requires an in-depth understanding of their varied and constantly changing capabilities.
Messaging & Cultural Sensitivities
Once the optimal audience and platform mixes have been identified, strategic messaging and creative design need to be sourced. When it comes to crafting marketing messaging, being aware of the sensitivities that come along with each Jewish community is essential. Failing to have this requisite knowledge contributes greatly to the execution of an unsuccessful campaign. After all, when it comes to Jewish marketing, resources poured into a campaign can not only go to waste but can also also be harmful to your brand and long term marketing goals depending on the nature and extent of the error. Being mindful of the different intricacies relating to not only buying habits but numerous other complexities of the relevant audience requires knowledge of the cultural universe that each community holds.
Sensitivity awareness relates to both innate aspects of the Jewish audience as a whole, as well as subtleties that are specific to cross-sections of the broader audience. Depending on the offering being marketed, at times, the nature of the offering requires additional attention to subtleties of the relevant Jewish audience. Crafting a marketing strategy that both moves the needle toward reaching marketing goals while at the same time ensuring that the fine balancing act of not overstepping on inherent faux pas becomes essential in such scenarios.
The Recipe For A Solid Campaign Foundation
There is great opportunity for growth that can be accomplished by effective and efficient marketing to specific Jewish audiences. Successfully doing this depends on having the knowledge required to create a solid campaign foundation that takes into account the nuances surrounding audience, platform, and messaging selection.