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Jewish Marketing Tips

A discussion of Jewish marketing tips to help you understand how to market your product or service to the Jewish audience successfully.

We often hear from people who are intrigued by the growth potential that can be capitalized upon by marketing one’s product or service to the Jewish community. The allure of the opportunity present in this demographic is sought after in large part for the Jewish communities significantly higher than average wealth and numerous other advantages. With that said, it can often be challenging to structure Jewish marketing campaigns efficiently. These challenges stem from the unfamiliar customs, community-specific tendencies, and the like. Therefore, we believe it is helpful to describe some of the core Jewish marketing tips to keep in mind when embarking on your Jewish focused marketing. While there are undoubtedly many different variables that can change depending on offering specifics, we discuss four of the most fundamental tips below.

Ensure That You Are Targeting YOUR Jewish Audience 

The first step in any campaign to market your products or services to the Jewish community should be an analytical study of the target Jewish audience. This principle applies to all marketing campaigns. Knowing your target customer profile is vital. Since there are many different cross-sections of smaller communities within the broader Jewish audience, it is crucial to distinguish which communities are relevant to your offering and which are not. Accomplishing this step requires an in-depth knowledge of the Jewish audience as a whole, and specific psychographic information, including their tendencies, culture, and buying habits.

Appropriate Platform Is Key 

Choosing the right advertising platform or avenue is essential and can be tricky for two reasons. The first is that each community has specific platforms that cater to different parts of the community. Understanding which platform will reach your target audience most effectively and efficiently plays a massive role in your campaign’s level of success. For example, a men’s clothing brand that wants to market their products to an adult male audience would do well to strategically place an ad on a Jewish centered, style, and tech blog that has a sizable male readership.

In the same vein, it is vital to know when to go with traditional media, such as print ads, and when to go with digital, such as PPC or programmatic. This decision to differentiate whether to go with a digital or print campaign often comes down to seemingly trivial minutiae. At the same time, the difference in results and ultimately, the level of success of a particular campaign can often vary substantially based on such a decision. Making the right move requires a real understanding of the offering, audience, and platform. As in the previous example with the men’s clothing brand, in certain situations, with specific variables present, advertising on the blog with a mostly male readership would have a significantly higher ROI than a general PPC campaign.

The second most important reason for choosing the right platform for your marketing campaign targeting the Jewish community relates to the said platform’s technical effectiveness and performance. Without an in-depth understanding of each platform and how its ads perform, you will likely be pouring money down the drain. Take, for example, a potential client who explains that they see almost no traction from an ad that they placed on a Jewish news website. Upon visiting the mentioned website, it became immediately apparent why this business was seeing no results from the ad. The website in question was overloaded with ads, and besides, loading speeds on the site were dismal, causing ads to only be displayed after extended waiting times. This situation is an example of choosing an advertising platform that is highly flawed and handicapped. Avoiding such platforms at all costs should be a priority. The trouble is that the unassuming only learn of these performance problems after losing a substantial investment in original ad placement.

The Right Messaging

Messaging is always essential, but messaging is amplified many times over when referring to campaign messaging in Jewish-centered campaigns due to the intricacies and sensitivities present in each of the many different Jewish communities. As stated previously, the first step is always understanding who YOUR target Jewish audience is. Once that has been ascertained, strategizing for the appropriate messaging for that specific audience can be done properly. Optimally, messaging utilizes a combination of the product or service being offered and the target demographic at hand to come up with the right message and tone. Like other aspects required for a robust Jewish marketing campaign, right versus wrong messaging can be the difference between a very successful campaign or a failed one.

Conversion Optimization 

Optimizing conversions apply in the same measure across all campaigns, whether it be a campaign aimed at the Jewish community or some other demographic. Even after the “right recipe” taking into account the previous points (Audience, Platform, & Message) has been completed, that can all be a waste if potential customers are not converting into dollars (or whatever action the goal of the campaign is). Often this failure is because the setup of the website or other conversion medium is not optimized. These failures can take on the form of a poorly designed website that is confusing and outdated or replies to inquiries that are unprofessional and off-putting. The point is simple. If you are at the point where you have ascertained your audience, chosen the right platform, and came up with appropriate messaging, you are too close to success, not optimizing your conversion mediums. Improving conversions is heavily case-specific. In some instances, a more seamless purchasing journey is what the doctor orders; in other cases, such as with service-related offerings, a more seamless input of customer contact info may be necessary. Regardless, a combination of design, data, and testing should be used to ensure that conversion potential is at the maximum.

Bringing It All Together

While there are many aspects to creating and executing a successful marketing campaign aimed at a Jewish segment, getting the audience, platform, message, and conversion optimization right have an overarching impact. Understanding these four Jewish marketing tips and getting them right requires an intimate knowledge of the broader Jewish audience and the platforms that cater to them. In addition to understanding specifics relating to the community, a general understanding of design and marketing techniques also plays a significant role in creating a successful strategy. With the right knowledge and execution of a strategic plan, expect to reap the rewards of growth that marketing to the Jewish community can bring.


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